Friday, March 21, 2014

Divergent Pt. 2

     As a Dauntless transfer from Abnegation, Beatrice Prior was immediately forced into change because the abnegation and dauntless are virtually opposites of each other. The transition was immediate and harsh; she changed her name, her appearance, and her personality just to survive the conditions of the severe faction. Beatrice, now know by the name Tris, was stripped of her old self, allowing for a new, brave woman to break her girlish history. Tris tattoos her collarbone with three birds, one for each member of the family she left behind. This is the only reminder she allows herself, and although Tris misses her parents and brother, Caleb, she powers through to survive. Armed with these new, ‘tough’ tattoos, Tris begins to dress in the faction-sanctioned color- black. This change of identity is swift, and no one supports, or holds Tris’ hand during the process. Against all odds, Tris survives the first week. Her journey would only get harder, however. Tris begins training week- fighting her new roommates and friends to keep her new home. Falling out of place, falling to last place, means becoming faction less. Homeless and starving, the faction less people of the world wander around and beg for food, money, anything to help them survive in the unforgiving world of Divergent. Needless to say, Tris was desperate, and day in and day out allowed her body to be beaten and basically tortured, all in favor of keeping her new ‘family’. Tris never questioned her faction choice, and although she may not have been the strongest, smartest new Dauntless member, she proved herself to be the bravest. She stood up for her new friends, quite literally, when she placed herself in front of an amateur knife-thrower, just to save her friend from the perilous Chasm. Eventually, Tris finds her niche. She starts to enjoy herself in Dauntless, learning the ropes and soon finding thrill in impossibly dangerous events. Tris is joyful when presented with life-threatening and hazardous opportunities- she even begins to seek the feeling of chaos and instability. Tris is, in fact, the only person from Dauntless who can deny and suppress her fear long enough to climb an old, rusted Ferris wheel during an intense game of capture the flag. Perhaps the most interesting characteristic about Tris is that, although she was not even born into Dauntless, she hates showing any type of weakness, and this quality transformers her into a true Dauntless- although time will tell if she will succumb to her true Divergent nature.

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